Best value
If you fear that hand-made clothing will be expensive compared to off-the-peg, think again. Take quality and durability into account and there’s no question which represents best value.
My charges are divided into the following parts:
- The cost of the materials required to make your garments
- The time involved in consultation with you
- The time actually making the toiles and garments
- Time spent in tailoring the garments to fit you perfectly
Owing to the highly unique nature of each garment, every job is quoted individually following a private consultation with you, so that I can ensure that all your wishes are taken into account.
Understandably, many clients are initially nervous about the potential cost of having hand-made garments tailored precisely to their needs, but the fact is that the bottom line is often surprisingly inexpensive and, of course, you should expect superior fit, quality and durability from any garment I make for you. So often, off-the-peg high street clothing only fits where it touches and shows signs of wear in a ridiculously short time. Anything worthy of an Ann Prescott label is made to last, perhaps even for a lifetime, and is backed by my personal guarantee of quality.
To arrange a convenient time to meet and discuss your requirements in more detail, call me now on 01273 271305 or 07800 820345 or email